Understand And Integrate The Fear Paralysis Reflex Effectively - For Teachers

This Comprehensive Course Takes You Step-by-Step Through Practical Exercises And Activities To Help Settle The Fear Paralysis Reflex

At EduMove Academy, we understand the importance of continuous learning and professional development for educators and parents. Our platform, connected to the Kwanda Kinetics Child Development And Therapy Centre, is designed to provide high-quality educational content at an affordable price.

Although you are purchasing this webinar via EduMove Academy, this educational webinar is hosted on EduPro Online and is accredited by the Health Professions Council of South Africa as well as the South African Institute for Kinderkinetics. By purchasing this webinar via EduMove Academy, you get it at a significantly reduced rate to extend your knowledge on an important aspect of childhood development.

If you are interested, you can earn a certificate of completion after submitting an online questionnaire. It's as easy as 1, 2, 3! Enjoy!

Do you as a teacher or parent know a child or adult who:

  1. Has a low tolerance to stress and anxiety
  2. Is oversensitive to touch, light, sound or movement
  3. Struggles with sensory processing
  4. Is overly emotional or clingy
  5. Stares without blinking
  6. Often holds their breath
  7. Tends to be stiff, with tension throughout their whole body
  8. Clenches their fists
  9. Does not like to make eye contact
  10. Is excessively shy
  11. Has obsessive compulsive behaviour
  12. Easily withdraws from others
  13. Has selective mutism
  14. Has autistic like symptoms
  15. Has defiant or controlling behaviour
  16. Has extreme fear
  17. Has phobias
  18. Has sleeping or eating disorders
  19. Has night terrors
  20. Experiences extreme fatigue and constantly feels overwhelmed

If you recognize any of these signs or symptoms in a child or adult, it may be that they still have an active fear paralysis reflex (FPR).

This 4-hour ALL-IN-ONE course will take you step-by-step through short and easy modules to help you understand primitive reflexes and the FPR better. It will also provide you with checklists, charts, strategies, interventions and exercises to help anyone who experiences sensory sensitivities (especially when it comes to touch), sensory processing and emotional regulation difficulties as well as fear.

PS Want to see ALL that this course has in store for you? Scroll down and read through the full course curriculum. You can also click on the sessions that are unlocked. This will allow a sneak-peak into some of the sessions of the course.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this course accredited?
Yes, this course is accredited with SAPIK as well as with the HPCSA.
How long do I have access to the course?
This course is completely self-paced and you can view all content related to this course whenever you choose. Thus, you have LIFELONG access for as long as the company exists.
Do I get a certificate when I have finished this course?
Absolutely, yes! Just follow the prompts inside this course. Enjoy being rewarded for learning something new and valuable that will help you change a child's life!
Can I receive CPD points / units for this webinar if I am a professional?
Yes, if you are a pediatric professional, you can receive CPD points units if you are registered with either the HPCSA or SAPIK. However, in order to qualify for professional CPD points, you will need to purchase and watch this webinar on the Edupro platform. Just choose the corresponding course for professionals. Please take note that you will NOT be able to claim CPD points if you purchase this webinar via Kwanda Academy as the certificate for this course clearly states that it is intended for teachers and parents.

Course Curriculum

Available in days
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Available in days
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  Meet Your Instructor
Available in days
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  Session 1
Available in days
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  Session 4
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session 2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session 5
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session 6 Part 1 - Mature Babies
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session 6 Part 2 - Young And Older Children
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Congratulations! Get Your Reward.
Available in days
days after you enroll

Your Instructor

Marene Jooste
Marene Jooste

Marene is first and foremost the mom to 2 beautiful teenage boys and the wife to a wonderful man. She is also a passionate professional with a holistic outlook to childhood development. As a registered Kinderkineticist at both SAPIK and SAQA, she has been in private practice for more than 20 years during which she has gained practical experience in the Health, Medical and Education Sectors. She has a Masters Degree in the neuro-sensory-motor development of children, and are the founder and owner of Kwanda Kinetics Child Development and Therapy Centre.

She has presented workshops to more than 3 000 professionals, teachers and parents over the past decade, sharing the knowledge that she has gained. Needless to say, the information in this course will equip and allow you as a professional to learn or relearn powerful techniques and interventions that you can use in your practice. Ultimately, it will inspire and provide you with tools to help children more effectively and holistically.

Get started now!