Understand And Integrate The Moro Reflex Better - For Teachers
Focusing On The Moro Reflex , This Step-by-Step Course With Practical Exercises And Activities Will Help Children Excel
At EduMove Academy, we understand the importance of continuous learning and professional development for educators and parents. Our platform, connected to the Kwanda Kinetics Child Development And Therapy Centre, is designed to provide high-quality educational content at an affordable price.
Although you are purchasing this webinar via EduMove Academy, this educational webinar is hosted on EduPro Online and is accredited by the Health Professions Council of South Africa as well as the South African Institute for Kinderkinetics. By purchasing this webinar via EduMove Academy, you get it at a significantly reduced rate to extend your knowledge on an important aspect of childhood development.
If you are interested, you can earn a certificate of completion after submitting an online questionnaire. It's as easy as 1, 2, 3! Enjoy!
Do you as a teacher or parent know a child or adult who:
- Is fearful of positional change or uncertain about their own reactions when they move around
- Has poor balance and coordination
- Dislikes to play, tumble and visit amusement parks
- Is fearful of heights, stairs or elevators
- Finds it difficult to manage rapidly approaching stimuli such as when catching a ball
- Is using only one arm at a time when executing gross motor activities such as catching, or fine motor activities such as cutting
- Has poor sensory integration
- Has poor oculomotor or eye-muscle control
- Has difficulty copying from the blackboard
- Has difficulty ignoring irrelevant visual input
- Has difficulty focusing on visual details
- Has a short attention span
- Can’t sit still due to too much adrenaline & cortisol
- Has poor memory
- Has allergies and easily gets sick
- Has chronic fatigue
- Snacks or craves sweets often
- Has constant headaches
- Is anxious or startles easily for no apparent reason
- Has panic/anxiety attacks
- Easily 'hangs' with their eyes wide open or just starring off afar
- Is holding their breath when startled
- Has sudden outburst of tears or anger (biting, pinching in younger children)
If you recognize 3 or more of these signs or symptoms in a child or adult, it may be that they still have an active Moro reflex. If you have a passion to help children and would like to expand your knowledge or add amazingly useful tools to your existing therapy, then this course is for you!
PS Want to see ALL that this course has in store for you? Scroll down and read through the full course curriculum. You can also click on the sessions that are unlocked. This will allow a sneak-peak into some of the sessions of the course. Enroll now and quickly learn how to effectively and holistically integrate the Moro reflex!
Frequently Asked Questions
Author And Instructor For Course: Marene Jooste
Marene is first and foremost the mom to 2 beautiful teenage boys and the wife to a wonderful man. She is also a passionate professional with a holistic outlook to childhood development. As a registered Kinderkineticist at both SAPIK and SAQA, she has been in private practice for more than 20 years during which she has gained practical experience in the Health, Medical and Education Sectors. She has a Masters Degree in the neuro-sensory-motor development of children, and are the founder and owner of Kwanda Kinetics Child Development and Therapy Centre. She has presented workshops to more than 3 000 professionals, teachers and parents over the past decade, sharing the knowledge that she has gained. Needless to say, the information in this course will equip and allow you as a professional to learn or relearn powerful techniques and interventions that you can use in your practice. Ultimately, it will inspire and provide you with tools to help children more effectively and holistically.